Culteral Diversity

Diversity is having respect for all individuals regardless of age, gender, race, background, or religion. Diversity in the workplace is the same principle, but there should be equal opportunity through every aspect. This includes getting hired, wages, trainings, and promotions. Diversity in the workplace is beneficial to all (Cornell University, 2011). Individuals will see that the company is working with all different types of individuals. Diversity in the criminal justice system is just as important as in other areas of employment. Law enforcement officers who come from all different backgrounds can add his or her knowledge to what may be happening in the surrounding neighborhoods of the patrolling areas. African American police officers can talk to other African American individuals and those individuals may feel more trusting to someone that he or she can relate to. This is not to say that the individuals would not talk to Hispanic or Caucasian officers, but for individuals in the community to see his or her race in the local police force may help to build a trust system with the officers. Hispanic officers would be highly beneficial in areas where individuals speak only Spanish or speak mostly Spanish and very little English. The Hispanic officer can communicate what is happening and get information from the victim, suspect, etc. It is not just Hispanic officers who may communicate because he or she knows Spanish. Officers of any race could learn Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, Sign Language, as well as other languages in order to be able to communicate with the individuals who can not speak English or may not be able to be understood clearly.

If an employer is not hiring individuals because of race, age, gender, etc., than he or she is a part of the problem known as discrimination. Diversity is important in all aspects of life, including the work force. Understanding individuals and hiring those who are truly qualified for the position is important. Do not hire individuals because he or she is not a certain race. Do not hire individuals to fill a company quota. Do hire individuals who are qualified to take on all of the responsibilities that go along with the position and who understands the full concepts of what the employer is asking of him or her.

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