Complications that Can Arise from the Mumps

Mumps is a condition that comes from a virus. Symptoms are swelling of the salivary glands and fever along with tiredness, loss of appetite, and muscle aches. One in three will have no symptoms. While typically a childhood disease, it can be found in adults too. There is a vaccine for this condition.

Complication Factors

A vaccinated person can still get the mumps but the chance of a serious complication from the condition goes down considerably if they were vaccinated. Complications do depend on the age of the person who gets the condition.

Hearing Complications from Mumps

One of the most serious complications from having the mumps is hearing loss. In one of 20,000 who get mumps as a child, permanent deafness is a result.

Brain Complications

There is another complication that can arise in childhood cases of mumps. In two of every 100,000 cases of the mumps, the patient can come down with mumps-related encephalitis. This is a swelling in the brain.

Sex/Gender Complications

Four in ten teen and adult men that come down with the mumps will have swelling in the testicles. This may result in a decrease to their fertility. One in 20 women will have swelling of the ovaries. This will not affect their fertility.

Adult Complications

15 of every 100 adults who contract mumps will get meningitis. Meningitis is an infection of the brain and spinal cord covering. This is one of the most severe times to get the mumps. Pancreatitis, or swelling of the pancreas, can also occur in five out of 100 adults. It can be linked to miscarriages in pregnant women who get the mumps. There can be death, most often in adults who get the condition.

Mumps is spread through the air from coughs and sneezes. It can also be on items that were in contact with a contagious person. Typical contagious timeline is one to two days prior to symptoms and up until five days after symptoms appear. If you have not been vaccinated, see about getting vaccinated. Especially if you are an adult as complications and symptoms are most severe in adults.

Source: CDC

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