Common Side Effects to Expect from Chemotherapy

When a person undergoes a treatment for cancer this may involve the use of chemotherapy. The side effects of chemotherapy can vary according to the type of drug used, the period of treatment, and it can also vary from patient to patient. The side effects can begin within the first couple of weeks after treatment starts and it is at this time that these effects require management as most will disappear over a period of time. Chemotherapy works on preventing the cancer cells from growing through division this can also affects normal cells in other parts of the body which go through the same process of a quick cell division.

One of the most common side effects of chemotherapy is tiredness and a lack of energy this may cause drowsiness, exhaustion, tiredness, confusion, impatience and a feeling of being sleepy. The tiredness which may be a tiredness of the body can continue for some time even after the treatments have finished. Nausea and loss of appetite are other side effects, although some people do not experience these symptoms, it may start within hours of the treatment and last for some hours afterwards. Constipation and diarrhea can occur from the chemotherapy drugs, anti-nausea treatments and pain relief medication.

Other side effects of chemotherapy may be ulcers, mouth sores, thickened saliva and difficulty swallowing this may occur with treatment for cancers of the face and neck. Hair loss is a common occurrence after chemotherapy treatment and this may occur quickly or after several treatments, in some people hair loss may be minimal with others it may include most parts of the body. The skin is another area of the body that is affected and it may become itchy and dry, or darken and peel. Nerves and muscles may be affected with a loss of sensation and tingling in the fingers and toes, the leg muscles may also feel weak. Hearing may change with tinnitus or noise in the ears occurring as well as high pitch hearing loss, there may also be problems with loss of short term memory and concentration. Bone marrow is affected by some chemotherapy drugs, the bone marrow produces red blood cell, white blood cells and platelets and the blood count has to be monitored to make sure these return to normal before any further treatment is administered which can cause problems with infections, anemia and bleeding. Fertility may also be affected and this can be temporary or permanent in both male and female patients.

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