Clutter’s Negative Energy

Clutter can be many things. It can be things you no longer use, sentimental things you can’t bear to throw away, or useless things without any purpose at all. Sometimes, it’s hard to spot the really big clutter in your home even if it is the one thing that is dragging you down.

In her book entitled “Clear Your Clutter with Feng Shui,” Karen Kingston talks about material things and the energy it brings in your life. Ms. Kingston writes: “Things you really love have a strong, vibrant energy field around them, whereas unwanted (things) have uneasy, conflicting energies attached to them that drain you rather than energize you. They actually create an energetic gloom in your home.”

For instance, if you have been keeping an ugly couch that your ex-husband purchased years ago, and every time you sit on it, you think of your ex-husband, then it may bring out negative emotions. Maybe you feel a little annoyed, upset, and even lonely. That couch represents clutter’s negative energy. You need to move on and get a new couch. Get rid of that negative energy.

Look at every item in your home that gives you a bad memory or a bad feeling. It’s clutter. How about the very uncomfortable shoes you will never wear again because it makes your feet bleed? It doesn’t really matter how pretty they are or how much those shoes costed you. It’s still clutter. How about your closet full of ‘skinny clothes’ that only reminds you of how much weight you have gained every single day? Negative energy equals clutter, so that would be clutter, too.

So, what do you do with all of these things with negative energy? Throw it away, give it away, or sell it. Those are your three choices.

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