Children and IPhone Use

Technology is becoming easier to navigate whether you are an adult, or a child. My family tends to purchase technology whenever possible. Since, we use it so much in the home; my three year old son has caught on to using my iPhone. Looking at this issue as a parent, I see some good in him being interested in technology and some bad.


It is good that my son plays with interactive educational games. He has recently started preschool. The concepts he is picking up at school are also integrated into preschool apps on the phone. This means he gets to reiterate the information more than just the time he spends in school. I consider the few hours he gets to play with the phone educational time. Not to mention the fact he actual seems to have a better handle on his dexterity. I also feel he is being introduced to techniques of using devices that will help him in the future. This seems especially true with the trend of making technology more accessible to everyone.


I want him to be able to build puzzles with his hands, not just by sliding his fingers around on a screen. I often switch his attention throughout the day away from the phone. That way he can play with building blocks or cardboard and wooden puzzles. He tends to always want to play with the phone because it is fun. Just like with the TV, I have to make sure I limit his technology time. I make sure he is not spending many hours a day sitting with the phone. The last thing I want him to feel is comfort from the device. I do not want him to end up feeling like the phone is a babysitter while mommy is busy. Lastly I make sure he squeezes in play time to exercise. Just like I switch his attention to real world puzzles, I switch his attention to running, chasing me, and playing.

I know it sounds strange that a child is allowed to play with my phone so much. But, I have already disabled the mature abilities on my phone. For example I have turned off surfing the web, watching U-tube and even age inappropriate content on the phone.

Parental Conclusion

The other day I received a weird look from someone when I handed my son the phone. But, as a parent I see how technology has influenced my own life. Over the course of a few decades I have become more and more reliant on technology. My home is largely influenced by technology. I think it is good he gets at least some exposure to the technology now, even if he may seem too young.

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