A Hunting Love

She walked quietly across the top of the snowy mountains as she slowly snuck up on her prey, she’d been tracking it for a while now and had almost lost the scent. She saw the fox just up ahead and before it had a chance to run she jumped at its throat. She began to tear it open to eat, but stopped herself after the first few bites. This wasn’t what she wanted. She pushed the fox away, curled up into a ball and began to whimper into her fur.

She continued wandering aimlessly atop the white chilled peaks, her fur coat rustling in the cold breeze. On that wind she caught the scent of something, something bigger and male…yes it was definitely male, any canine would have been able to tell. She couldn’t tell exactly what it was but she was going to go in for the kill, she’d already given up one meal and she couldn’t spare another.

With that idea in mind she began to to follow the trail, she came upon a male wolf attacking a caribou about 1 mile from where she was. She watched for a while as the male wolf circled his prey. She was very intent on the caribou as it a very large amount of meat for the Arctic region.

She realized that if she wanted it she was going to have to attack that larger wolf or wait for it to leave its scraps, she decided to wait.

She approached slowly after the wolf had eaten its feast. She lowered her head as a sign of vulnerability and slid closer. The male wolf growled a bit but then decided against it and pushed his sole source of food for the night towards her, in a gesture that encompassed compassion and care.

Soon after they had finished their meal they walked off into the arid cold mountain tops together. This time she was not walking alone, this time he was there as well.

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