5 Ways to Give Your Kids a Leg Up in School

They used to say that it’s not what you know, but who you know. While that may have been true in the past, it no longer appears to be so. It’s a well proven fact that people with degrees earn more money than those without them – and it will only become truer in the future. That being said, it will be also be a very competitive job market, so here are five ways to boost your kids’ learning potential:

1) Teach them music – whether you do it yourself or hire someone to do it, music education has been shown time and time again to him through the math and reading scores. 2) Teach them a different language. Sounds hard and it can definitely be difficult, but it shows massive improvement in children’s language and problem solving skills, definitely desirable skills in school. 3) You should ensure they receive good nutrition, starting when they are born on forward. There’s no better time to start than now. Not only do you want to make sure all required vitamins and minerals are accounted for in their diet, you want to make sure their direct diets are high in DHA as well. Aim for foods like salmon, sardines, tuna (bluefin or albacore), swordfish and algae (Nori and kelp noodles.) 4) The smell of cinnamon has been scientifically proven to increase brain activity it also helps to make a lot of people feel safe and warm. So feel free to wash or spray their clothes and homework area in cinnamon. 5) Enroll them in a sport or do workout videos. Research shows physically fit kids are also more mentally fit for school.

So there you have it, five tips on maximizing your children’s potential in school. Some are easy, or you may already be doing them. Some will require money and or hard work on your part to achieve them. No one said parenting was though. But with Bill Gates currently the most successful man on the planet, I’d say it’s definitely worthwhile to invest in your children’s intelligence.

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