Why We Should Understand the Reasons for Wars


When the elites lose touch with the reality that they can only grant themselves a finite amount of the treasures, freedoms and resources of a nation, the masses will take action to remind them that they go too far. If the elites do not snap out of it, war, revolution and civil war will inevitably result.

In democratic nations, charismatic individuals have been able to effectively use the media and the backing of powerful elites to gain power. Extremist or unstable charismatic politicians are far more likely to push for deviant internal programs or warlike external adventurism, once they gain power.

Wars are fought for reasons that range from misunderstanding to naked aggression. In between is general dissatisfaction, rage at the elites, or ongoing conditions that become intolerable. Some wars happen because of the irrational whims of powerful rulers and elites who lose touch with reality.

When two countries attempt to resolve their disputes through diplomacy, war becomes a failure of diplomacy.

War breaks out when one country desires or needs the resources of another country and trade negotiations fail. War thus becomes a failure to negotiate a peaceful and equitable trade of resources.

When one side far out matches the other in strength, then war comes from a failure or inability to deter or discourage an aggressor.

In some cases, war originates in a cunning and evil intent to use war as a cover for sinister reasons: expansion of power, control over valuable resources, or simply because of a ruler’s insanity. This makes war a battle of right against wrong.


The causes of the Iraq War are a malleable mass of truth and lies; right and wrong. Initially, Americans were ready to track down the leadership and forces behind the 9/11 attacks and to kill them. Initially, Americans believed that Iraq was the source of the aggression and held the weapons and intent of committing even more mass destruction.

Now we know that there were lies, that the forces behind the 9/11 attacks did not come from Iraq , and that we and the Iraqi people, have lost far more than we will ever gain from our adventures there.

More distressing, we are learning that the Iraq war may have been planned far earlier than was stated, was intended to force a permanent American presence with large military bases on Iraqi soil, or was started to redistribute the nations’ debts and treasuries to the international elites and corporations.


Sometimes wars are internal to a nation. From “Arab Spring” to America ‘s civil war, the dynamics are complex, but the opinions focus on the specific conditions that affect different elements of society. To different people, civil wars and revolutions can be fought primarily over economics, freedom, immigration, White or elitist supremacy, religion, race, or as a process of disputes that come up during nation building.

Arab Spring is a euphemism for many North African and Middle Eastern revolutions that are based in the masses refusing to tolerate dictatorial and royal rule, oppression, poverty and corruption. These nations have been under their systems for so long that the revolutions are also nation building events. In the coming months and years, there will be continuing violence and dispute as various factions and social groups try to sit down and resolve their differences.

The American Civil war is increasingly being discussed with slavery being pushed into the background and economics pushed to the forefront. Should slavery in American have been allowed to benefit the slave-owning states with free skilled labor, or should slavery have been abolished to create competitive labor and other markets? Should the South have been allowed to secede from the Union , weakening the economy and nation, and creating a border with hostile, enemy nation-states that were ruled by corrupted slave owners?

Many wanted to get rid of the descendants of Africans and to replace them with Europeans and other nationalities. Their descendants are the most inclined to bury the slavery issue when discussing the Civil War. The slaves fought for their own freedom to be paid for their labor, to own property, and to live as full citizens, but their descendants have been fighting internecine and unresolved civil wars since then.

It will be a sure bet that the next American civil war would be fought over returning to the original constitution. But other factions are ready to fight right now for such perks as White supremacy, rebuilding of the middle class, corporate rule, labor unions, voting rights and the end of corporate influence.

Many internal wars throughout history have involved disputes between the powerful backers of one leader and the powerful backers of another, more desirable leader. The English War of The Roses continued through 13th and 14th centuries because the powerful elites could not settle down and be happy with one particular ruler.


World Wars I and II were wars of hegemony, mainly from the stubborn and aggressive plots of Germany and its allies to achieve world domination.

The Cold War was a war of political ideology. Communism was regarded as a political system that should never be allowed to exist. Communists believed that communism was the only political system that should be allowed to exist.

Our current world wars are wars of ideology, the most frightening reasons of all. Religious ideology allows for no negotiation when it comes to the dogmas of divine preference, divine mandate, and the inevitability of religious prophecy. Polarized and extremist political stances are like religious positions. Such political stances lead to adamancy that leads to failures to peacefully resolve national and international disputes.


The World Trade Organization, United Nations, North Atlantic Treaty Organization, Organization of American States, United Arab Emirates, European Union and other alliances are changing the ways in which nations decide to use their military forces.

It is automatic that even the most hard core boundaries dissolve when a major disaster occurs. But less obvious is the increasing amount of behind the scenes discussion and negotiation that goes on between alliances and groups of nations before any major military action is planned and carried out.

Revolutions are supported in one place, started in another, and African nations remain in a continuing mess of destabilizing military actions that are ordered by one international alliance after another in order to grab the strategic minerals that are so rich on the African continent. The goal is to prevent African nations from ever being self ruling, developed, and able to negotiate in their own best interests. These are the dirty wars of destabilization, the secret wars of continuing colonization, and the ongoing wars of oppression and greed that the public never hear of.

Trade, diplomacy, security, strategic, informational, scientific, business and economic actions that tend to create tensions or lead to war are now coordinated through complex mazes of international agencies and dominions. These mazes are functions of the many treaties, alliances, unions and agreements that the nations of the world have entered into.


Now is the time to pay attention to the types of wars, the causes of wars and the reasons for going to war, because there will be more of them to come. Internal wars will come to nations and neighborhoods that mistakenly believed that they floated above such disruptions of society and life.

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