What Can We Do to Eradicate School Shootings and Other Violence

The Centers for Disease and Control Prevention (CDC), offers a four-step approach to address school violence, they are:

1. Describe the problems

2. Identify risk and protective factors

3. Develop and test preventive strategies

4. Ensure wide-spread use of evidence based prevention strategies

With the recent shootings that occurred in Ohio, and other areas of our society, I felt compelled to offer some insight into those tragic events. If you don’t agree with the ideas expressed in this article, that is a good thing. A dialogue must be established wherein varying opinions come together in an attempt to chart/implement a course for prevention.

In order to address and resolve any complicated problems confronting us, we must start with the premise of honesty. No matter how painful, we must not deviate from honesty.

About a week or so, prior to the shootings, two young girls were seen on a video ranting about race and other unsavory issues. The two things the shooter and the girls have in common; they are all teenagers. These type of events occur throughout our country, as such, we cannot say they are isolated events. We must therefore conclude, this type of conduct is a manifestation of our society. We must also conclude, that the type of behavior exhibited, had it roots from the adults in our society.

Scrutinize some of the words uttered by the presidential candidates, which clearly implies that blacks are a burden on society. For example, in order to gain favor with some of the racist in our society, some will say or imply, blacks on food stamps is the cause of our problems. When in fact, according to welfare statistics, 41% of whites and 36% of blacks account for the food stamp program. Some blacks will say, whites are blue eyed devils. The hate begin to consume us all, especially our children. This is an example of how kids learn to disrespect others.

Adults must be forever cognizant of the fact that words matter. Especially, when those words can be heard by our impressionable children. If you are wondering if I blame the shootings and the video on the kids, well, I do not. You see, as a former Law Enforcement Official, I have witnessed many juveniles commit horrific crimes and could not be charged as adults.

This gets back to truth. If a child does something wrong and cannot be charged, then it must be concluded that the parent or guardian is some what responsible. Sadly, when the child becomes of age, even though said child may have learned all inappropriate behavior from the adults. The adult/child is now responsible for his/her own actions, and must be held accountable. The madness is recycled from generation to generation.

I hear many folks say, some type of intervention should have taken place. One of the problems with that assertion is, in this country we have so many rights to privacy issues, and it is a daunting task when approaching those areas. Sure, after the fact one can surmise what should have happened prior to an incident, but we must remember, hindsight is 20/20.

Part 2: The Truth

If the following statements can not be refuted by documented facts, then it can be concluded that history is the arbiter this matter.

1. Since the beginning of time, man has demonstrated a propensity for violence.

Start at the beginning, Cain killed Abel. David killed the king. A king wanted to kill baby Jesus, etc.

2. According to the bible, he who lives by the sword will die by the sword.

It is spoken that before the end of time, brother will be against brother, sister against sister, etc.

3. All of mankind will surely die.

It was never written how specifically we will die, just that we all will.

4. Can you, or anyone else, pinpoint a time in history, or the present, where violence wasn’t permeating the land.

It seems as though we were cursed by nature to destroy ourselves, and nothing can be done about it.

5. Will mankind accept the fact that we are destructive by nature?

Example, given the right set of circumstances, most anyone can be seen on the 6:00 news for committing some horrific act. While driving, many are a few steps away from road rage.

6. It has been prophesied that before the end of time, certain things will come to pass.

With this prophecy or destiny, it is not a matter of if violence will occur, but rather, when. One of the most important things to realize is, since things are destined to happen, certain people must be in a position to execute them. Of course, the pain is intensified when children are involved. Nonetheless, all sorts of things will continue to happen, and said things, may be done by most anyone.

While you may think I am being a pessimist, the fact remains that mankind is on a path of self-destruction. Attempting to stop man violent ways is tantamount to stopping the rains that falls from above, not going to happen.

Inasmuch as I have justified my point, which is, throughout history, and armed with that history through the present, mankind will never be able to put to rest his violent ways.

Look at the animal kingdom, we are really no different from them. In order to convince ourselves that we are the most intelligent species on this planet, we organize and form groups to study our behavior. Even within the study groups, violence will raise its head. Violence is everywhere, in the church, in the police station, in the post office, at the courthouse, it is even in our homes, etc. Given this scenario, it should be clear that we, as a society will never eradicate it.

Instead of trying to prevent violence on a large scale, we should focus our attention on the after affects of violence. We must be honest and admit that there is no way to stop man’s thirst for violence. When it is not happening on a large scale in our society, we make movies depicting it. We have this continuous need for it. Sundays in September, we watch grown men brutalize each other.

So, the answer to my subject question is an absolute no. We can however, attempt to be more caring toward each other and comforting each other during our times of strife. For as sure as you breathe, pain will surely find us. The only so-called positive thing we can do is, just do the best we can.

In conclusion, as long as mankind exists on this planet, violence and crime in general, will never be eradicated.

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