Ways to Stay Sexy and Maintain It

When we were young it was easy to be sexy. We didn’t have to watch our weight, it just naturally maintained itself. We didn’t have to do a lot of exercise, because our tummies stayed relatively flat on their own. But as we get older, our bodies tend to betray us. Suddenly you wake up one morning and discover that you are gaining weight and getting out of shape, and you just don’t feel as sexy as you used to.

Well now is the time to change all of that. You can be sexy and stay that way as you get older. It just takes more work as we age. The older you get, the harder you have to work at it.

The first thing you have to realize in order to achieve this goal is that health and beauty go hand in hand. If you are not healthy, you will not be as truly beautiful as you can be. If you are not healthy, you will not feel sexy. You have to focus on fitness, diet and lifestyle first and foremost.


The first thing you have to do is examine your lifestyle. What do you do that is good for you? What do you do that is bad for you? Now is the time to break bad habits like smoking, drinking alcohol, and binging on junk food. Simple lifestyle changes such as cutting out soda pop or quitting smoking can make a huge difference in your health and your appearance.


The next thing you need to look at is your diet. Do you still eat a lot of pizza and other junk foods like you did when you were younger? You can’t get away with this anymore. It is time to straighten out your diet, grow up, and eat healthy foods. A diet high in protein, low in carbs, and low in fat is best. Lots of lean meats, vegetables, fruits, and whole grains are in order. Sweets and other junk foods are okay if you have them only every once in a while and you do not overdo it. Moderation is critical.


Do you get enough exercise? Most adults do not get the exercise that they need to be healthy and stay fit. If you are trying to lose weight and become sexy again, you need to be burning more calories than you take in. This means cutting back on calories but also increasing your activity level. It is recommended that the average adult get at least one hundred minutes of aerobic exercise each week, and two sessions of strength training each week. If you are trying to lose weight to improve your health and appearance, you will need to increase this to jump start your metabolism and help you burn more calories and fat than you are taking in. Once you reach your goal weight, become sexy, and regain your beauty, you can cut back a bit and exercise the recommended amount to maintain your appearance and health.


Once you achieve your goal of becoming sexy, you have to be able to maintain it. This means that you cannot go back to old habits just because you have reached your goal. In order to maintain your sexiness, you will have to focus on maintaining your health. You will also need to make sure that you keep eating healthy and maintain a healthy activity level. Do not allow yourself to slip once you reach your goal, or you will be right back where you started. Instead, make sure that you focus on your beauty and appearance at all times.

For more information on how to gain and maintain your sexy self. This website will provide you with a number of fitness programs and give you information and results achieved for each one.

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