Use Aroma Therapy to Treat a Dental Abscess

A dental abscess is term used to describe a bacterial infection that occurs directly from a tooth cavity into the gums, soft tissue and bones of the face, mouth, teeth, jaw and neck and throat and beneath the tongue. It can be extremely painful because of the tissue inflammation and the pressure in the abscess it’s self. An abscess in the gums can be the result of damage such as an abrasion to the surface of the gums themselves.

Once the abscess begins to fill with pus it will become even more painful and will remain so until the abscess ruptures and the pus is drained away. It can rupture on its own or it can be done surgically but either way the pus needs to be drained away. In some cases the abscess can cause swelling in the throat to the point of which the air passage can become blocked.

A dental abscess can cause some symptoms that include chills, nausea, vomiting, fever, pain, swelling, pus drainage and sweats. You can treat a dental abscess with over-the-counter products or you can could something different like using essential oils. I am a certified natural health consultant and I have study, worked with and created many different essential oils formulas over the past 25 years.

Below you will find several essential oil formulas that I personally have created and worked with over the years. Choose a formula and follow both steps.

Dental Abscess Formulas

Dental Abscess #1

Step 1


1 Cotton Ball

1 drop Chamomile Oil

Put the drop of essential oil on the cotton ball and apply directly to the abscess, then follow step 2.

Step 2


3 drops Lavender Oil

2 drops Tea Tree Oil

1 tsp. Vegetable Oil

Mix these oils together well and massage into the cheek area where the dental abscess is located. Do this twice a day.

Dental Abscess #2

Step 1


1 Cotton Ball

1 drop Lemon Oil

Put the drop of essential oil on the cotton ball and apply directly to the abscess, then follow step 2.

Step 2


2 drops Geranium Oil

3 drops Lemon Oil

1 tsp. Vegetable Oil

Mix these oils together well and massage into the cheek area where the dental abscess is located. Do this twice a day.

Dental Abscess #3

Step 1


1 Cotton Ball

1 drop Lavender Oil

Put the drop of essential oil on the cotton ball and apply directly to the abscess, then follow step 2.

Step 2


3 drops Geranium Oil

2 drops Myrrh Oil

1 tsp. Vegetable Oil

Mix these oils together well and massage into the cheek area where the dental abscess is located. Do this twice a day.

Dental Abscess #4

Step 1


1 Cotton Ball

1 drop Bergamot Oil

Put the drop of essential oil on the cotton ball and apply directly to the abscess, then follow step 2.

Step 2


3 drops Fennel Oil

2 drops Lemon Oil

1 tsp. Vegetable Oil

Mix these oils together well and massage into the cheek area where the dental abscess is located. Do this twice a day.

Dental Abscess #5

Step 1


1 drop Bergamot Oil

1 Cotton Ball

Put the drop of essential oil on the cotton ball and apply directly to the abscess, then follow step 2.

Step 2


1 drop Lavender Oil

2 drops Lemon Oil

2 drops Myrrh Oil

1 tsp. Vegetable Oil

Mix these oils together well and massage into the cheek area where the dental abscess is located. Do this twice a day.

Dental Abscess #6

Step 1


1 drop Chamomile Oil

1 Cotton Ball

Put the drop of essential oil on the cotton ball and apply directly to the abscess, then follow step 2.

Step 2


2 drops Bergamot Oil

1 drop Fennel Oil

2 drops Lemon Oil

1 tsp. Vegetable Oil

Mix these oils together well and massage into the cheek area where the dental abscess is located. Do this twice a day.

**Note: These are formulas that I have created and worked with over the years. Be sure to wear gloves when working with essential oils in their pure state and they should always be diluted with a carrier oil. Test a small path of skin with a tiny bit of the formula to make sure that you do not experience an allergic reaction before you use it on a large area of skin. I have over 25 years of experience working with herbs and essential oils for natural healing. I am also a certified natural health consultant but No liability can be taken by me!**

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