Top 5 Foods for Clearer Skin

Clear, glowing skin requires great skin care habits, as well as a healthy diet. Certain foods can have a huge impact on the quality of your skin. Cleansing, nutrient-rich foods can help to improve the skin’s complexion, while rich foods that may be difficult to digest can lead to blemishes. What are the best foods for clearer skin? Why do these foods make such a difference, encouraging a smoother, blemish-free face?

Carrots and Carrot Juice

Eat raw carrots as a snack, or freshly sliced on a green salad. Even cooked carrots, steamed with a tablespoon of butter or roasted with olive oil and garlic are good for you. This vegetable is a great source of fiber, especially soluble fiber. One cup of raw carrots supplies the body with 3.6 grams of dietary fiber, which helps to remove waste from the colon. A clean colon means significantly less toxins in the body, and less toxins to be eliminated through the skin. One of the best ways to enjoy this cleansing vegetable is to drink the fresh juice; a glass of carrot juice a day is a great way to support a healthy liver and to promote the efficient removal of toxins from the body through this organ.

Carrots are also one of the best foods to eat for clearer skin because they are packed with antioxidants. Traditional orange and yellow carrots contain carotenoids, which are converted into vitamin A in the body. These compounds help to protect skin cells from free radical damage and maintain healthy skin tissue. Vitamin A is an important nutrient for the prevention of acne and to help skin repair after being exposed to the sun’s UV rays. Purple and red carrots contain anthocyanindins, another type of antioxidant to prevent damage to skin cells.


Soybeans are part of a healthy diet to promote clearer, glowing skin. Aside from the fact that these legumes are a very balanced source of nutrition, with protein, fiber, omega fatty acids and a range of nutrients including calcium, iron and vitamin C, soybeans are a great source of zinc. Zinc is an antibacterial minerals that supports healthy oil glands. A zinc deficiency can actually lead to acne flare-ups. Zinc is also very important for the prevention of scarring from blemishes.

Another reason why soybeans are a skin-friendly food is that they are an excellent protein substitute for other foods that are high in saturated fat and that may slow the digestive system, such as beef and pork. Enjoy fresh soybeans, as well as soy products such as tofu and soy milk for the nutritional benefits and skin-boosting vitamins and minerals.

Red Apples

Eating an apple a day will not only keep the doctor away, but it will promote clear skin. Apples are great sources of fiber – one piece of fresh fruit contains four grams of dietary fiber. Apples, like all fruits, are a source of water, which helps to flush the body of toxins and keep the skin hydrated. They are also packed with vitamin C, a nutrient that acts as an antioxidant, reduces inflammation and is used for the formation of new collagen, the connective tissue found in skin. Red apples are particularly beneficial as they contain a range of antioxidants in the skin. Try to eat at least three servings of fresh fruits every day, especially high-fiber fruits such as apples.

Dark Green Leafy Veggies

Kale, spinach, dandelion greens, collard greens, chard and other green, leafy vegetables are great for encouraging a beautiful, glowing complexion. They are loaded with antioxidants, including vitamin A, C and E. They also contain chlorophyll, which helps to cleanse the blood of toxins. The detoxifying properties of greens do not end there; these vegetables are also high in fiber. Enjoy a salad of fresh greens every day and skin will improve.

Green Tea

Drink one to two cups of green tea every day to promote clearer skin. Green tea is the infusion of dried tea leaves. It is high in polyphenol antioxidants, which act as antioxidants, reduce inflammation and also have anti-bacterial properties. Make this detoxifying drink a part of your regular diet, as well as other foods for clearer skin, and you will notice a difference in blemishes and skin tone. Healthy skin is something everyone can have with responsible skin care and eating habits.


World’s Healthiest Foods
University of Illinois Extension
Balch, Phyllis A. “Prescription for Nutritional Healing.” Fourth Edition (Penguin Books, 2006).
Page, Linda. “Healthy Healing: A Guide to Self-Healing for Everyone, 11th Edition” (Traditional Wisdom, 2003).

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