Thrill Your Thermos! Hot Drinks for Cold Weather

When the temps are 100-plus degrees, anything over ice will do.

As the weather grows colder, we want to wrap our chilled fingers around a cup of something hot, sweet, spicy, and satisfying.

From a little something extra in your coffee to hot teas and toddies, there is a winter drink to liven up a winter party or take the chill off any morning.

And we don’t mean a sad envelope of cocoa mix stuck in the microwave. That just tastes brown.

Chai is an Indian tea drink containing a combination of black tea, milk, spices and sweetener. It is gaining popularity and even converting coffee drinkers who may not go for typical tea, but enjoy the more substantial feel of chai, which is almost a hot chocolate for grown-ups.

But if tea isn’t enough to get you going in the morning, you can always make it dirty and ad a shot of espresso.

There is also an increasing demand for hot teas at coffee shops, from traditional Earl Gray to herbal blends or familiar flavors like jasmine or lemon.

While hot drinks with mocha flavoring are popular year round, when cold weather arrives, spicier flavors such as pumpkin and ginger capture the spirit of the season.

Peppermint chips, white chocolate, pumpkin spice, ginger spice and Italian eggnog find their way onto coffee house menus, melting the hearts of even the most hardcore caffeinators.

Creating delicious hot drinks at home can be fun and cost effective, but to do it right you need to make an initial investment.

The only way to make coffee at home any better is buying a high-quality burr grinder and fresh, whole beans. Once you have the right equipment, there are a variety of gourmet flavors of beans and syrups available.

It can take a little experimentation to figure out how to create your favorite drinks at home, but it can be less expensive after the initial investment, and you can share with friends.

And making truly decadent homemade hot chocolate takes little more effort than tearing open a pack of powder – but just five ingredients – cocoa powder, sugar, milk, water and vanilla – and a saucepan can make you look like a cocoa gourmet. Add flavorings such as maple, peppermint or chili powder for extra kick.

Still, a coffee shop – whether you are sipping a pumpkin latte or strong black tea – has an ingredient you can’t buy: conversation. A dash makes any hot drink seem a little warmer.

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