Things that Causes Bad Breath

Do you or someone you know keep bad breath? Well, there are different reasons for bad breath and this guide will discuss some of the causes of bad breath. If you know someone with bad breath or if you have bad breath, read this guide and you might find the reason to why that is.

Things You Eat

Well I guess the first one is common sense. Some things you eat will definitely make your breath smell bad. For example, eating anything with garlic in it will make your breath smell bad. Eating anything with onions in it will also make your breath smell bad. So, as time as you finish eating something that makes your breath smell awful, go to the bathroom and brush your teeth. This will cut down on the bad breath.


Smoking will also cause you to have bad breath. Every time you smoke a cigarette, you might want to use a breath mint or spray. Especially if you are going to be around people.

Being Sick

Being sick will also cause people to have bad breath. This is really something you can’t help. You can’t help when you get sick. So, if you are going to be around people, you might want to keep breath mints with you or a spray.


If you or someone you know wheres dentures, that will cause bad breath. Really and truly, you or the person you know who wears dentures cannot help the smell. The smell comes from the glue that is used to glue the dentures in. So, there is really no way around this.


Cavities is the main cause of bad breath that won’t go away. If you have bad breath even after you brush, or someone you know has bad breath that won’t go away after brushing, you might want to visit the dentist. Cavities are the leading cause of bad breath and will require a trip to your dentist for help.

So, if you or someone you know has bad breath, it may be because of one of the above things. Some things can be helped and some things cannot be helped. The best thing to do is keep breath mints or a spray with you at all times and when you interact with people, spray your breath or suck on a mint.

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