The Green Thumb

Her greenery never pleased me,
those vines and twigs and leaves never spoke to me.
Kneeling for hours on end, she tugged at intruders…
in my mind, she was wasting her time.

There are so many things to do,
and not enough hours in the day.
She was wasting time playing in the dirt,
throwing valuable minutes away.

I always asked her why she even bothered.
“After the frost, you’ll just have to start over.”
She shrugged, and kept digging
uprooting dandelions and clover.

Out of curiosity, I wandered into her garden,
to see why she would never leave.
I saw nothing but greenery,
heard nothing but bees.

A whisper at my ear prompted me
to quickly turn around.
I didn’t immediately realize what I saw,
couldn’t fathom what I’d found.

A little bird, no bigger than my hand,
fluttered just inches away.
It turned and it circled, perching nearby,
I’m sure to entice me to stay.

Suddenly I noticed
all the flowers, and bees.
This beautiful place…
how had it been so foreign to me.

The blooms exploded in colors,
red, purple, orange and white.
i saw pretty little fruits hanging on stems,
blushing, becoming ripe.

More than just greenery, it pleases me.
That oasis of life just speaks to me.

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