Risk Factors of Cervical Cancer

The cervix is the lower part of the womb. It connects a woman’s uterus to her vagina. Cervical cancer is a cancer affecting the cells of the cervix, or the cervical lining.

So what are some of the risk factors for cervical cancer?

The American Cancer Society gives us a look at some of the risks. These are the highlights. (For a more detailed list, go here)

HPV about 2/3 of cervical cancer cases originate from two versions of HPV (16 & 18) Smoking It increases your chances of getting cancer. Even cervical cancer. Smokers are 2x as likely to develop cervical cancer as nonsmokers. HIV or AIDS Lack of immune system Clahmydia Poor Diet Refuse to eat your veggies and fruits, and risk your girly parts being eaten up by cancer. Does anyone else want a carrot right about now? Also, being overweight ups your risk, too. Oral Contraceptives Birth control pills. Your risk doubles after 5 years of use. Good news is that 10years after you stop, your risk level returns to “normal” Multiple Pregnancies Okay, so this one and the last one are kind of a “damned if you do, damned if you don’t” for some of us… Being Broke Like most healthcare issues, if you don’t bother to get screened regularly, you up your risk. If you’re living in poverty, you probably can’t afford to get screened, erego… Diethylstilbestrol (DES) It’s a “sticky baby” hormone given to some mothers from 1940-early 1970’s. If your mom took it, you are at risk Family History If you have a family history, please make double sure to have timely routine checks done.

The best way to prevent cervical cancer is by getting routine checks done and making sure you practice safe sex.

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