Review of Happy Feet 2 (Omg) 2011

I think I enjoyed this movie more than the children. This was my first 3D movie. As some of the characters seemed to jump out of the screen, I hollered as the children hollered.

Some of the characters in this movie was Alecia Pink, Brad Pitt, Robin Williams, and Common the Chicago-bred rapper. As you know there is never a dull moment with Robin Williams.

Erik, the baby penguin, struggles throughout the picture trying to find out what it is that he is gifted to do. The story starts with all the penguins singing and doing their dances. Erik seemingly shys away from the dancing. He indicates that he does not see the point of it. Also, he does not seem to have the rhythm that everyone else has. As he attempts to dance, the other penguins laugh at him. This makes him feel worse.

There were 2 groups of penguins that seemingly lived on the opposite sides of the land. The penguins were very colorful. As the snow and ice separated, it caused part of the penguin groups to be separated. They were looking for a way to join back together. There was a flying penguin that reminded me of the minister’s today that preach hope and prosperity. This flying penguin encouraged others to believe that they could do it. It also, reminded me of Barac Obama saying, “Yes We Can.” The penguins were encouraged to believe in themselves.

There was a scene showing a Walrus bullying the father penguin. The funny thing about this was that the father penguin ended up helping this bully Walrus out of a ravine. Then the coin was flipped and the Walrus and his other Walrus friends joined together with the other 2 groups of penguins to help move some of the ice and snow. The penguins tried and tried to move the ice and snow, but they needed more help. It showed how we all are not totally independent. We need others to help us. The 2 groups of penguins that joined together were not strong enough to move the ice and snow. They needed the weight of the Walrus family.

Erik the baby penguin had a beautiful voice, which he may not have realized. Yes, there was some rap music in the picture. The younger penguins loved to do their rapping, as do many of the young people today.

I saw characters that were searching to find themselves. The soundtrack was amazing. There was much talk of change. There were those that were searching for the wave of change.

Mighty Sven was the flying penguin that Erik looked up to, but eventually finds out how courageous his father is, when the father saves the Walrus. Erik then views his father as his hero. I highly recommend this movie.

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