Questioning My Religion

Christianity is the main religion of modern times. That is a simple fact. If you question it, then you will “burn eternally in hell”, or so we are taught from an early age. Children are made to believe that if they choose to travel a different path, or to dispute what is written in the bible, that they will be shunned and lose the love of their God. I know this sounds like another atheists rant about religion, but my aim is not to provoke a rebellion, nor am I an atheist.
Until three months ago, I believed that Jesus Christ was my only chance at Heaven, and that any other way was unthinkable and possibly damning. During some research about my heritage I found that my family was of Norse origin, famous for the Viking culture, and had followed the religion of Asatru. Asatru is a polytheistic religion that, at its peak, was practiced throughout Northern Europe. At this time I began questioning my own religion and set off on a quest to discover my true beliefs. Of course, this was a very terrifying time for me as I did not want to be condemned for contesting the bible. I would research religion after religion in search of which was right for me, Christianity, Judaism, Wicca, and any other religion that spoke to me.
Finally, I found the answer I was looking for. Create my own path. That is the idea that I wish to instill in you today. For those of you who are afraid that you will be cast out and eternally damned for seeking your own truth, I say don’t be. Our Creator wants us to find a way to Him, be that through religion, silently sitting in a park, or performing esoteric rituals by candlelight, He will not send you to hell for seeking Him out. Just as a tree has many branches, so does the journey toward the other realm. People say you find God in church, in religion. Well, I don’t completely agree. I found God in the mountains, in my sons’ eyes, my wife’s love, and in my own heart and soul. So to those who say you must go to church every Sunday and pray every chance you get, I disagree. I found God where he wanted me to find him. So, I urge you to start your journey on your own terms. Do not be afraid to diverge from the normal path and seek out the Creator in your own way.

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