Obama is an Idiot or Why Half Assing Doesn’t Work

Obama isn’t really an idiot I’m sure he’s a very smart man. I don’t mean to offend anyone but sometimes it takes a smart man to know when you’re methodology isn’t working.

Let me give you an example, today I was browsing msnbc.com and came across this article. I started reading it and just went, “DAMN IT! YOU IDIOT OBAMA!” its common sense, econ 101 and just simple math. How can workers who are being paid living wages in the US, compete with people who are being paid next to nothing or even a dollar an hour? You can’t compete with that? EVER! so companies in the US that need solar panels go hmmmmm….. China! There was a “Buy American provision” in the American recovery act but it was softened more than likely because of Republicans insisted on it and Obama caved on it.

The best part about the whole incident is that now the republicans who are suspicious of anything to do with the government funding green jobs, are ramping up accusations and subpoenas. To them it looks like some god damned green company got a loan so that they could just go belly up. Its idiotic, all of it. I could go on on other topics, such as the Oil sands pipeline, the American recovery and reinvestment act, the healthcare law and raising the debt ceiling. Senator Boehner was quoted as saying that he got 98% of what he wanted out of the debt ceiling deal. Has Obama ever gotten 98% of what he wanted in ANYTHING?

Sometimes being half assed or meeting in the middle can come back to bite you. Obama is a professor, he isn’t a politician or a fighter he really likes to speak to the audience and lecture but the only people getting A’s on the test are the people negotiating for them(republicans) Good luck next year Obama, you’ve convinced me that politicians need to be fighters, they need to throw some sucker punches. They need to throw some elbows and fight dirty sometimes. You’re way too nice and its going to be the end of you. Its probably good that you don’t fight dirty or get rough, then maybe republicans would’ve called you a socialist or a communist… OH WAIT, they did anyway… you lose.


PS never send a professor to negotiate the price of an auto repair… Send a car salesman or a wiseguy.

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