Numerology Forecast for November 2011

November is an 11th month in numerology, representing the Divine gateway of intuitive awareness and manifestation. This month will open a window to see into our future and act on the guidance that Spirit is sprinkling on our path. November also breaks down to a ‘2’, enhancing psychic and emotional sensitivity. No matter what is going on around you, exercise patience and take the time to check in with yourself to see what your feelings are intuitively telling you about the situation.

Pay attention to how Spirit communicates with you this month through dreams, flashes of intuitive insight or the messages you may receive in meditative prayer from your angels and loved ones. Mark the date of 11-11-11 on your calendar as a day to manifest through the power of your mind. Your thinking will transform your world and attract good fortune into your life. Changes are afoot that will affect the course of your destiny by creating endings that allow new opportunities to walk through the door. Are you ready?

Your homework for the next 30 days is to practice positive affirmations that re-train your subconscious mind and support your goals. Be cognizant of your thoughts and what you want to create more of because what you believe you can manifest.

“Think of one thing you can do today to step up your game. Close your eyes and see yourself behaving thinking or behaving that way. Place the vision in Divine Hands and pray for help in embodying this higher version of yourself.” – Marianne Williamson

So what magic do you want to create? You are only limited by your imagination. Let’s put those dreams into action!

Got a question about your numerology chart? Need a forecast into the year ahead? Numerologist Zuri Eberhart is available for personal readings. Click here to learn more.

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