Now on DVD: Black Angels

Synopsis: Four women run a private company that helps collect child support from deadbeat parents. When the system doesn’t work, they begin working outside the law to get the money.

What I liked about this movie: I honestly didn’t have a lot of high expectations when it came to this film. My wife and I had intended on watching a different movie and ended up picking this one when that one wasn’t working right. And, based on the description, I was expecting to turn it off after only a few minutes.

The movie, however, was a lot better than I expected it to be. The action/comedy portions of the movie were offset nicely by some of the more dramatic scenes and the violence wasn’t anything that was over the top or unrealistic.

Even though it was a bit confusing at first, the movie also had some interesting characters and storylines that intersect with each other. You have the corrupt cop who wants to find out who attacked him and forced him to pay child support. You have a mayor who doesn’t want people to know she has an illegitimate grandson and prevents his father from seeing him and you have the boyfriend of one of the women secretly sleeping with the mayor in an effort to get a development deal. The different plots did manage to keep the movie from becoming too predictable and kept me interested.

What I didn’t like about this movie: Even though, overall, I liked the film, there were parts of it that reminded me of what I like to refer to as an “old school” chick flick. All the men were jerks. They either skipped out on child support, slept around with other women or beat their wives/girlfriends. This included characters we didn’t even see (one of the women talks about being molested by her step dad while another was apparently beaten by her husband). The only exceptions were the two cops (who I honestly don’t think did a whole heck of a lot), the gay receptionist and the dad of the mayor’s grandson.

To be fair, the movie did exonerate some of the “dads” with DNA tests (basically proving some women lie about not sleeping around). But, I think it would have been a bit more balanced if they would have shown a few deadbeat moms too.

Final Opinion: As I said before, I wasn’t expecting too much when I started watching this but it is a film that isn’t too terrible.

Average Netflix Grade: 1.8 stars out of a possible 5.

My Grade: 3 stars.

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