My Favorite Movie of 2011 Source Code

When I think back on all of the movies that I saw in 2011 and attempt to recall which one was my favorite Source Code came to my mind first.

Source Code is a very exciting movie that keeps you on the edge of your seat during the entire movie and has a surprising ending.

Jake Gyllenhaal plays Colter Steven’s. Colter had been a helicopter pilot in Afghanistan. In his last memory he is flying his helicopter. The next thing he knows he is riding a commuter train. The girl sitting with him named Christina (played by Michelle Monaghan) seems to know him but he doesn’t recognize her. After 8 minutes the train blows up.

Instead of being dead Colter finds himself in a pod and finds out that he is living in someone another man’s consciousness so while he feels like himself Michelle sees who she thinks is her friend. He is involved in a project where he is able to share the consciousness with another human beings for the last 8 minutes of that person’s life. It is explained to him that he will be sent back on the train and he will have 8 minutes to find out who the bomber is. He keeps getting sent back every time the train blows up. While the scientists only want him to find out who the bomber is he starts to care about Christina and wants to save her by finding the bomber and stopping him from bombing the train. Which goes against his orders.

The movie is very exciting and it is interesting to see how things unfold for him. It is like Groundhog day in a way except a lot faster and a lot more exciting.

Jake Gyllehaal delivers a believable and passionate performance and has good chemistry with Michelle Monaghan.

If you like fast flowing action movies you will likely enjoy Source code..

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