
Swearing off doggy treats is so excellent a thing that it can never be carried to too great an extent. In my passion for it I even carry it so far as to totally abstain from totally swearing off swearing off doggy treats itself.”

“If you play in the mud and prance on the floor (especially of a freshly cleaned floor) you will get in trouble.”

A young fool is like a old fool just younger.

Did Rome decline because it had a senate, we have a senate. I think I answered my own question

You ever notice how many men of great integrity lie about their golf scores.

They say a fool and his money are often parted. I am always broke.

Half of your time today is spent trying to find time to get the time to get things done.

If a dog is man best friend, what is a pussy cat?

We can’t all be heroes because the press can’t condemn everyone.

A difference of opinion is what makes Republicans, Republicans and Democrats, Democrats.

It is always harder to do what is right then it is to do what is wrong.

Today most journalists are like a person that loves fudge brownies. No matter how much they tell you they think a story has been covered far too much they keep coming back for more.

It is always easier to run from your enemies then it is to stand up to them.

The truth is rarely popular.

You ever notice how many studies are done to prove what everyone already knows.

Someday a mistake will be made and we will elect a present that is neither right nor left and actually cares about those in the majority of our nation that are in the middle.

Anytime you have to justify what you have done you know that you should not have done it.

“Diplomacy is the art of saying nice Kitty, until you can get off the leash.”

Any reasonably intelligent person can tell you how to handle the problem in Iraq, the problem is that elected officials are running the war.

Currently we have people running for public office that no one wants yet we will elect one of them anyway.

If you don’t try you never fail!

Often you run into the destiny that was meant for on the very road you are using to run away from it.

People that hate need no reason to hate.

On immigration reform: The immigrants are not going to get what they demand, the liberals are not going to get what they want and the conservatives are not going to get what they want meaning nothing is going to change. Situation normal all screwed up.

Why is it when congress finally passes a law there is always something in it to make everyone unhappy.

The history of the world is full of what if, if only and might have been.

The problems with politicians is that they do not understand what they view on a television or movie screen is not for real, but then when you think about it some, if they knew the difference they wouldn’t be politicians in the first place.

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