Microbial Bacteria Biographies

Proteus vulgaris Proteus vulgaris is a pathgoen that is found to be both ubiquitous and pathogenic. Its most intriguing feature is its tendency to be extremely motile, almost to the point where it attacks the agar in a concentric direction. It is found to be Gram negative and in the rod formation. It is also a facultative anerobe. The algorithm of detection is commonly known to be a test with urease, in addition to other simple fermentations. A positive urease enzyme test indicates a possible P. vulgaris infection in a urinary sample. Urea can be degraded into ammonia, thus changing the pH of the system. It is also positive in glucose and sucrose fermentations. Furthermore, it is not only found in urine, it can be found in the digestive and respiratory tracts as well. The first line of treatment is a quinolone, ciprofloxacin. Of course, P. Vulgaris is most commonly an opportunistic infection.Wound infections are also common due to its natural residence on human skin. Proteus mirabilis is more likely to cause infections than P. vulgaris due to its higher prevalence. That is, 90% of Proteus infections are caused by the latter. Still, the highest bidder is E. Coli, with a whopping 80% of total UTIs. Note the impressive flagellae in the stained slide below: Attrib. http://www.cfkeep.org Deacon, Jim. Proteus Vulgaris. University of Edinborough. 17 Nov. 2007
“Proteus Infections.” eMedicine. http://www.emedicine.com/med/byname/proteus-
infections.htm>. 17 Nov. 2007 “Proteus sp.” Phage Therapy . 17 Nov. 2007 E. Coli
E. Coli Escherichia coli is often portrayed in the news as a microorganism that can cause disease, whether it be food poisoning or a urinary tract infection. These are called pathogenic strains. What is not advised during these dispatches is that non-pathogenic strains are ubiquitous throughout mammalian intestinal tracts. E. Coli was first encountered in the Virtual Labs third presentation of a UTI. There are certain routes to take to prevent UTIs, but infection is often accidentally caused. Thankfully, the majority of cases are treated with ciproflaxin.
Since E. Coli is such a broad organism, it would be pertinent to focus on what food scientists are constantly afraid of and constantly trying to prevent: E. coli 0157:H7. This infection causes gastroenteritis to an extent that it may cause kidney failure or severe dehydration. Kids and seniors are most at risk. In order to prevent this pathogenic strain, sterilization via heat above the level of 160 degrees F should be applied to food or drink. The reasoning behind the pathogenicity of E. coli 0157:H7 is that it produces an enterotoxin. This toxin, called vero, irritates the lining of the intestines enough to cause severe diarrhea. Treatment includes a massive dose of combination antibiotics and electrolyte replacement. Brown, John. “E. Coli.” 15 Sept. 2007 . “E. Coli.” EMedicine. 15 Sept. 2007 . “E. Coli.” CDC. 15 Sept. 2007 .

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