Left Out

Last night a child goes to bed with little to no food to eat right here in America.
His mother reads him a bed time story to get him to sleep. Halfway through the story she is interrupted by something she hoped to not hear again. “Momma, I’m hungry…”
She knows there nothing else to eat and breakfast will be more of the same.
The family are going through these tough times because dads job has been moved over seas.
On the “better” side of town sits a man who feels bad about all his riches and decides to donate money to hungry kids. This would be great except he never gives any thought to the hungry child on the other side of town, instead he sends his donation over seas. So the child right here in America goes yet another day with nothing.
Next time you ask yourself why other countries don’t like America, ask yourself why Americans don’t like americans.
Has it become posh or chic to give as long as it’s to some other country?
If we don’t help our selves, who will? No one will!
Your donations are yours to give as you see fit but if you turn your back on your fellow Americans don’t bragg about it to me, I’ll just see you as yet another American hater.

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