It’s All Over When the Politicians Sing

COMMENTARY | Upon hearing the ABC News clip of President Barack Obama singing at the Apollo Theater, one cannot help but think he may have missed his calling. Friday, USA Today reported that presidential hopeful Mitt Romney joined the act, closing a campaign rally in South Carolina by singing “Happy Birthday” to Gov. Nikki Haley.

Other than violating proposed SOPA and PIPA statutes, the candidates’ crooning and the requisite coverage by the media highlights the evolution of our process for choosing presidential candidates and, in turn, our president. Rather than focusing on the candidates’ true motivation, it’s become little more than a reality show audition.

And the finalists are:

Barack Obama

Volumes have been written and spoken about Obama’s charisma, personality and talent. But what about his motivation? Opponents have consistently pointed out his past associations with political radicals like Bill Ayers and Jeremiah Wright, but little is known about Obama’s personal motivation. His writings lend little guidance, focusing mostly on poetic waxing about post-adolescent idealism and nonspecific plans for a better world. However, when added to his actions as President, you have sufficient evidence with which to draw a conclusion about his motivation. He wants to fundamentally change how our country acts, thinks and works. Even a mid-term election slaughter did not deter his ambition, evidenced by his continuing effort to transform the country through recess appointments, executive orders and judicial fiat.

Newt Gingrich

No candidate in history has been more publicly vetted than Newt Gingrich. An unabashed S.O.B., Speaker Gingrich speaks cogently and recklessly-a potent combination. Newt’s record as a Speaker of the House is well known, as is his deftness at speaking about any political subject. So what is Gingrich’s motivation? Newt is the classic idea-man, with grand ideas about not only what needs to be accomplished, but also a remarkable belief in what can be accomplished. Where he differs from Obama is his belief that the American experiment, while off track, was not a flawed premise in need of overhaul. This distinction could be why the republican base has overlooked his bristling character thus far.

Mitt Romney

Perhaps the most difficult of the Big Three to evaluate, Gov. Romney has a varied and impressive body of accomplishment displaying success in every arena he has opted to enter. His track record is sound, and his public persona pleasant if not downright boring. So what is Romney’s motivation? I don’t think anyone but Romney knows. There is a sense that more lays beneath the surface with the candidate, but if he does not better reveal what drives him, his connection to the public will amount to nothing more than a limp handshake.

Ultimately, the victor will be the one whose motivation resounds with voters, not their showmanship. It’s time for the people to look past the panel of judges and vote with their hearts. Come to think of it, it may not be much different than American Idol after all.


Devin Dwyer, Obama Sings Soul Tune in Harlem, ABC News

David Jackson, Romney sings Happy Birthday to S.C. governor, USA TODAY

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