How to Tone Up Your Pectorals

The pectorals are great muscles to build and can add to your level of masculinity. The pectorals, or more commonly known as “pecs,” are your two major chest muscles. Women love a man with a large chest and wide shoulders. Fortunately, there are a few at-home workouts you can do to achieve this. If your chest muscles are flabby, or if you’re just looking to tighten them up a bit, follow these tips.

First, understand that with any workout you must always apply tension to the muscle you are trying to build. If your workout plan does not challenge you, or put tension on your muscles, you aren’t going to gain muscle. When working out, your muscles are actually tearing apart, the result is that when you rest, your muscles grow back larger. One of the most simple workouts for toning your pecs is the old push-up.

First, put your hands on the ground shoulder width apart, then do as many push ups as you can until your muscles start to burn. Afterwards, take a break. If you want to do push-ups to get a bigger chest, simply put your hands on the ground further apart from each other than you usually do. It doesn’t matter how many reps of push-ups you do. For instance, the more tension you apply to your push-up, the less reps you will need to do, and vice-versa. Push-ups are a great way to build your pecs and chest muscles. Always remember, you’ll need to workout consistently to keep your muscles. Once you have achieved the level of muscle you want, workout every 2-3 days to maintain it.

For the next workout to build your pectorals you will need dumbbells. Depending on your weight and height, choose a dumbbell with weight of your preference. As long as tension is applied to your muscles and it presents a challenge, you’re set. Once you have a set of dumbbells, perform sets of curls until your muscles feel tired and tight. Be careful not to go overboard, your muscles could cramp up and this could be quite painful. Repetitions of 10-15 with a large amount of weight are good for building your pectorals as well as your biceps. However, you could also use slightly less weight and perform more repetitions to build the same amount of muscle. Dumbbells are another excellent way to build muscle as well as your pecs.

These two workouts combined can build and tone your pecs, given you follow the tips carefully. Push-ups work your triceps and chest, while dumbbells work your chest and biceps. The two simple workouts, when performed correctly will build your chest muscles and give you well-toned pecs. Always remember to properly stretch and drink water before, during and after a workout.

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