How to Slim Down a Pudgy Pooch

There are several reasons some dogs gain too much weight. Some have to do with bad pet parenting, while others may be inherent to a particular breed or medical condition. Labradors and pugs, for example, are breeds that have a tendency to become overweight. Regardless of the reason, however, dogs that are overweight are at higher risk for health problems like liver disease, diabetes and joint ailments. Every effort should be taken to keep your dog within a healthy weight range.

Generally speaking, up to 15 percent above a dog’s optimal weight is considered overweight, and anything more than that is considered obese. According to WebMD, 20 percent of the dogs in industrialized nations are overweight or obese.

Diet – The obvious way to help control a dog’s weight is through his diet. This includes both what he eats and how much he eats. It may even be influenced by when he eats. There are many good varieties of weight control dog foods on the market that are lower in calories and carbohydrates but still provide the adequate nutrition your dog needs to remain healthy.

Be sure to measure your dog’s food correctly rather than just “eye-balling” the amount you feed. Feeding multiple times a day is also better than feeding just once. Another big no-no for an overweight dog is to “free feed,” meaning to leave food out at all times for his dining pleasure. Some dogs can handle free feeding just fine, while others will eat way too much and become obese.

Treats – For overweight dogs, treats should be given sparingly. And when you do give treats, try healthy alternatives such as crunchy vegetables like raw carrots. You may also want to make your dog work for his treats by hiding them and making him look for them. Specially designed toys that hold treats and make your dog work to get them out are also a good option. The additional calories burned to find or retrieve the treat will work in his favor as well.

Exercise – Exercise is not only critical in maintaining a dog’s healthy weight, but in keeping him in good physical condition as well. Walking a dog is great for both the pet and pet parent, but there are also other ways you can ensure your dog gets the exercise he needs. Playing fetch, swimming, chasing each other around the house, or even setting up a play date with other dogs are all effective ways to help your dog burn excess calories. In addition, multiple exercise sessions of 10 to 15 minutes each are better than one hour-long session.

Additional Helpful Hints

· Keep your dog in another room during your dinner time to ensure you do not give in to begging. · Find ways other than treats to reward your dog for good behavior. · Aim for slow, gradual weight loss by implementing change a little at a time. · Be sure to consult with your veterinarian to be sure your dog’s weight gain is not due to some medical condition before changing his diet or exercise program.


“Overweight Dogs,”

“Overweight Dogs and Canine Weight Loss Diets,” WebMD

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