How to Remove Pet Urine Odor and Stains From Hardwood Floors

Hardwood floors increase the value of a home and add a look of luxury to the room. Homeowners who have pets or purchase a house from a pet lover often encounter an odor in a room, which is the result of pet accidents. Removing the odor does not necessarily involve sanding and refinishing the floor with an odor blocking sealer, some odors can be removed with simpler solutions. Sometimes the odors come with a visible stain that appears to be a dull white or may even turn a section of the floor a dark color. Removing the stains brings the beauty back to the floor.

If you do not see a stain, but smell the odor, wave a black light over the floor to detect the urine smell. Pet urine glows under a black light, making the stain clearly visible. Circle the area with white chalk so you know the exact location of the stain.

Pour a thick coating of baking soda over the whole stain inside the chalk lines.

Fill a spray bottle with white vinegar and saturate the baking soda. The baking soda will foam and bubble. This is a normal chemical reaction and helps to clean and deodorize the pet stain.

Scrub the stain with a soft-bristled nylon scrub brush immediately. Keep scrubbing until the white vinegar and baking stops bubbling.

Wipe the baking soda residue off the wood floor with a damp rag. Rinse the rag thoroughly and wipe the floor again. Wipe the floor with a soft, dry towel immediately.

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