How to Make a Necklace from a T-shirt

If you’re like many others, accumulating large, shapeless T-shirts from various events in your life, turn unused shirts into wearable fashion accessories in only a few simple steps. Mix several differently colored shirts together to create multi-colored necklaces, or make a versatile piece out of a solid color. T-shirt necklaces can also serve as personal, homemade holiday gifts.

Lay the T-shirt flat, right side up. Cut off the bottom edge of the T-shirt just above the seam, then use scissors to remove the collar and the sleeves.

Moving from the bottom edge of the T-shirt to the collar, cut a 1-inch-wide strip of fabric from the front of the shirt. Follow the grain as you cut.

Continue cutting 1-inch-wide strips from the front of the shirt. Once you’ve run out of fabric, turn the shirt over and continue on the back.

Take a single fabric strip in your hands, holding it by both ends. Pull the ends apart and let the fabric begin to curl into a long roll. Repeat with each remaining fabric strip.

Gather the rolled fabric strips together at both ends. Stitch the ends of the strips together, then bring both groups of fabric ends together to create a circle. Use the fabric you removed from the shirt’s bottom hem to wrap the ends together. Secure wrapped fabric with glue or thread.

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