How to Entertain a Senior Citizen and Have Fun Doing It

Today, more than ever, it is likely that each of us have a senior citizen in our lives, whether it be a family member, a friend, or an elderly neighbor. Unfortunately, too many times, those folks are forgotten in the foreground of busy schedules. Many have lost their life partners, due to age, and now live alone. While they have family that loves them, the younger ones are usually busy trying to run their own households. These neglected members of society have accepted their fate and quietly get by the best they can until their time comes. However, when someone actually takes time to sit down and visit with them, their gratitude is more than rewarding. If you know an older person, but feel uncomfortable around them because you don’t really know what to do or say, here are some ideas that will not only add spark to their lives but bring you enjoyment as well.

Older folks almost always know a good card game, or have a favorite board game, from their younger days. Both were popular means of entertainment years ago before the electronic age took over. Pinochle, Crazy Eights, and various forms of Rummy, were all popular in the day. Cribbage, Scrabble, Chess, Checkers, Dominoes, and Dice, can also be fun for the old and young alike. Maybe you even know a game you could teach to a senior. Try to choose something based on what you think their ability might be, and above all be patient.

Many older folks, no longer able to drive, spend most of their time cooped up indoors. Why not gather up some food, and your older person, and take them to the park for a picnic. Just getting out of the house can be a treat for some, and a picnic is pretty cool no matter who you are. Are you a churchgoer? Older folks sometimes have had to give up Sunday worship due to lack of transportation. Invite an elderly person to go with you.

Older people love to talk. They have had rich full lives filled with good and bad experiences. If nothing else, just sit down and listen. Sometimes that’s all that’s needed to brighten their day. Even looking through old family photo albums with them can be engaging, especially if the elderly person is a relative. You might end up hearing some fascinating family history.

I still remember visiting one particular elderly lady many years ago. When we got on the subject of music, her eyes lit up like diamonds as she put some Hank Williams (senior) on the record player. She actually began dancing in the living room. No doubt about it, that day was memorable for her, and for me. Never assume that just because they are old they don’t still like a little song and dance.

If your older person is unable to participate in anything, reading to them might be an option. While you may take for granted that everyone is aware of what’s going on in the world that might not be true for a homebound senior. Get a local newspaper and read a few current events aloud.

Older folks have a lot to share for anyone who will take time to listen, and a lot can be learned from them. They are just like the rest of us and basically enjoy the same things we do. Just remember that they may have lost some, or all, of their mobility and their mental functioning may have declined, so plan accordingly and keep it simple. Also keep in mind, slowness does not equal stupidity and you may learn something from them. Do yourself a favor and spend some time with a senior citizen. It will brighten the day for both of you.

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