Happy Dead Birthday to Famous People Who Were Born on September 12

Famous Dead Birthdays is just what it sounds like. Dead Birthdays are birthdays of famous people who have a birthday, but have already passed. For example, Benjamin Franklin was born on January 17, 1706 and he died on April 17, 1790. This means Benjamin Franklin’s Birthday is on January 17th. If Benjamin Franklin was still alive in 2011, he would be 304 Yrs. Old. Famous Dead Birthdays is a type of trivia. How old would a dead famous person be (on their birthday) if they were still alive?

Happy Dead Birthdays

1690-1775 Peter Dens, Flemish Catholic theologian

1812-1886 Richard Hoe, American inventor and industrialist who designed and improved the printing press

1818-1903 Richard Gatling, American firearms inventor of the Gatlin Gun

1891-1968 Arthur Hays Sulzberger, publisher of the New York Times 1935-61

1894-1971 Billy Gilbert, American actor and comedian

1905-1934 Linda Agostini, Australian murder victim known as the “Pyjama Girl”

1913-1980 Jesse Owens, American athlete

1944-2003 Barry White, American singer

1951-1998 Gerald Stano, American serial killer who killed at least 22 women and confessed to killing 41

Famous Dead Birthdays is just what it sounds like. Dead Birthdays are birthdays of famous people who have a birthday, but have already passed. For example, Benjamin Franklin was born on January 17, 1706 and he died on April 17, 1790. This means Benjamin Franklin’s Birthday is on January 17th. If Benjamin Franklin was still alive in 2011, he would be 304 Yrs. Old. Famous Dead Birthdays is a type of trivia. How old would a dead famous person be (on their birthday) if they were still alive?

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