Happy Dead Birthday to Famous People Who Were Born on October 3

Famous Dead Birthdays is just what it sounds like. Dead Birthdays are birthdays of famous people who have a birthday, but have already passed. For example, Benjamin Franklin was born on January 17, 1706 and he died on April 17, 1790. This means Benjamin Franklin’s Birthday is on January 17th. If Benjamin Franklin was still alive in 2011, he would be 304 Yrs. Old. Famous Dead Birthdays is a type of trivia. How old would a dead famous person be (on their birthday) if they were still alive?

Happy Dead Birthdays

1610-1649 Gabriel Lallemant was a Jesuit missionary and one of the eight Canadian Martyrs

1790-1866 John Ross, Chief of the Cherokee Nation and Moses of his people

1800-1891 George Bancroft, American historian and 17th Secretary of the Navy

1898-1969 Leo McCarey, American film director and screenwriter

1900-1938 Thomas Wolfe, American writer

1916-1995 James Herriot, English veterinarian and author, All Creatures Great and Small

1924-1993 Harvey Kurtzman, American cartoonist and founding editor of Mad magazine

1938-1960 Eddie Cochran, American singer and guitarist, “C’mon Everybody”, “Somethin’ Else”, and “Summertime Blues”

1954-1990 Stevie Ray Vaughan, American blues musician

Famous Dead Birthdays is just what it sounds like. Dead Birthdays are birthdays of famous people who have a birthday, but have already passed. For example, Benjamin Franklin was born on January 17, 1706 and he died on April 17, 1790. This means Benjamin Franklin’s Birthday is on January 17th. If Benjamin Franklin was still alive in 2011, he would be 304 Yrs. Old. Famous Dead Birthdays is a type of trivia. How old would a dead famous person be (on their birthday) if they were still alive?

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