Freelance Writing for Magazines and Print

Freelance writing for magazines and other print sources can seem frightening for beginning freelance writers. They hear scary rumors about the stiff competition, the decline of traditional media, and the never-ending wait times. Every type of freelance writing has its draw backs – and freelance magazine writing is no exception, but it also has its rewards. Print writers usually receive higher pay than online writers. Print magazines might also hold a higher reputation among the writing industry than their online counterparts. Writers might enjoy the slower pace. Where online writers tend to write several articles a day, print writers will typically only compose a couple of pieces a month.

Landing Your First Freelance Magazine Writing Job

Getting published in print typically takes a different path than online freelance writing does. Instead of applying for a steady stream of assignments picked out by your client, you will brainstorm your own article ideas and submit each piece one at a time in a query letter. Freelance print writers will need thick skin to make it in this world. Rejections are the rule rather than the exception. The magazines you see shelved in a bookstore will typically receive hundreds, if not thousands, of queries a month. Fortunately, there are easier publications to break into rather than household names.

Freelance Writing for Trade Magazines

You can find a magazine on almost any topic – you just won’t find them all on the news stand. Obscure and specialized magazines are a good starting point for beginning freelancers interested in writing for print. Your lack of experience might not hurt your chances in less competitive niches – especially if you are an expert on the topic at hand. Trade magazines can be discovered online or in a recent copy of the Writer’s Market.

Freelance Writing for Airline In-flight Magazines

Almost every airline has one of these tucked into each seat, and many writers make their start with in-flight magazines. Writers can use their imagination when brainstorming articles to pitch. Airline in-flight magazines print a variety of pieces, from humor, to travel tips, to thoughtful essays. Next time you find yourself boarding a plane, flip through the magazine in front of you for some inspiration.

More Than Magazines

Writing for print does not limit you to only magazines. Freelance feature writers can also find a home for their ideas in newspapers, brochures or books. Publishers are always looking for ghostwriters or essays to complete a book of collected works. Even if your idea isn’t news, it could make a great fit for your local paper. Many news sources will print parenting tips in their Family sections, or profiles of organizations and people as a human interest piece. Aspiring travel writers could get their first clip by publishing a small review in a local brochure for tourists. Print publications are everywhere if you are looking for them. Wherever you see words, you can see a potential writing opportunity.

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