Foods to Keep You Healthy During Cold and Flu Season

When word of an impending cold and flu season hits, many of us scramble to our doctor’s offices and health clinics to get immunized. No one has time for the incapacitating viral menaces that loom in the fall and winter months. In many cases, doctor’s offices and clinics end up with short supply of high demand vaccines because we tend to wait until the last minute to prepare for the flu season. However, nutritionists and health experts agree that simply eating certain foods can help not only boost your immunity, but give you the added energy to survive your hectic fall schedule.

We’ve all heard that foods rich in Vitamin C provide some of the best defenses against cold and flu. Chicken noodle soup has probably topped our favorite home remedy lists since the beginning of time. Although, health experts suggest that there are also other foods that can be added to your daily intake that will reduce your chances of becoming sick this cold season.


Garlic is a potent foe to viral villains; not even Count Dracula himself challenged this edible defender. It has been used around the globe for centuries for anything from strength endurance by ancient Egyptians to a well known home remedy for many ailments. Not only does garlic help support healthy heart function, but when prepared raw, it becomes a tremendous immune system booster. Raw garlic, when chopped or minced, releases a component called allicin. Research shows that allicin has significant antiviral properties and is actually more potent than penicillin. The University of Maryland Medical Center suggests that, “a well-designed study of nearly 150 people found that garlic helps prevent and treat the common cold.”


There’s nothing like a warm cup of tea with honey and lemon when your throat is sore. Not only does the pollen from honey help our bodies fight off certain allergens, but the coating effects ease the burning and scratchiness of throat irritation. There are many home remedies that call for a spoonful of honey to soothe a scratchy throat or even a honey rub to dress a wound, but honey can also be used to boost energy. Honey is a great source of carbohydrates and natural sugars. These elements play a significant role in fighting fatigue. In addition, popular medical website WebMD sites that, “one study showed that buckwheat honey relieved children’s coughs even better than the cough suppressant dextromethorphan.”


This zesty root has been used by Asian and Indian cultures to remedy a number of ailments. It has been used to elleviate nausea caused by pregnancy, motion sickness and even chemotherapy. It is has been a popular spice among many cultures for many years because it aids digestion. Ginger contains zinc, which helps maintain proper immune function. It has also been suggested that drinking herbal teas that include ginger can help bring down fever brought on by a cold or the flu.


The probiotics in yogurt are incredibly beneficial to the digestive tract. A healthy digestive system leads to a healthy immune system. Our bodies need a certain amount of good bacteria to help fight off the bad bacteria that constantly tries to invade. Doctors suggest that a diet that includes yogurt helps to boost the immune system, making it less vulnerable to disease.


Believe it or not, the coconut comes with an extensive list of health benefits. Research shows that coconuts kill several viruses, bacteria and other fungi. It is also used to improve energy and mood. Coconut oil contains lauric acid that makes viruses more vulnerable to attack by our immune systems. The Coconut Research Center has compiled several articles pertaining to published studies that prove the health benefits of coconuts.

Keeping the immune system healthy with a well-orchestrated diet can go a long way. Eating the right foods, keeping the body hydrated and getting sufficient exercise will only boost your defenses when the viral enemies try to invade. It’s more than just an apple a day to keep the doctor away, but your body will thank you for the effort.

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