Effective Ideas that Help Me Sleep

Adults are recommended to get seven to eight hours of sleep each night, but I have experienced occasional nights of restlessness. There have been days when I’ve had so many things on my mind that only seem to spiral when it’s time to go to bed. When I have trouble going to bed I use one of these methods to help me sleep.

Soothing bathes or showers help me sleep. This not only works for me, but it works for my toddler also. When we have trouble sleeping, a calming bath usually does the job. Warm showers before bed also help me sleep and relax my whole body. Using a soothing aroma therapy agent could be helpful too.

Calming sounds help me sleep. Some nights I’ve listened to gentle sounds of nature to relax me. You may not have an audio recording of nature sound, but that’s fine. You can record the sounds of birds chirping in your yard or at the park on your own. Try recording the sounds in the morning or at a time when the atmosphere is quiet and still. Go to the beach and record the sounds of the ocean waves. Play back the sounds when you have trouble sleeping and see if it will help you to go to bed.

Quiet, low-lit, or dark rooms help me sleep. Turning off distractions like the television or loud voices helps me to sleep peacefully. I try to make sure the environment is quiet and lights are turned down when I try to sleep. This helps to relax my eyes.

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