Dangerous Game

We got him on the rope/let America suffer is their dope/what part of freedom did this congress destroy/while we have millions needing work they think the President is their toy/if he moves to help us out of this depression/they vote against him and us as a lesson/it is a dangerous game the congress do play/hell bent on destroying the President and we bet not get in the way/the Henchman and his crew don’t give a damn about me or you/the forces from higher up are telling them what to do/if America falls they really don’t care/they want the President gone and we can forget about our share/even in the depths of world wars we found a way to stay as one/each day the President is made to look bad is their fun/if we don’t pull together its going to be a cold cold winter/the henchman and his crew just a splinter/driving us to the brink of disaster on a bullshit tip/wreck the nation just waiting for the President to slip/America wasn’t raised up on cowards stabbing us in the back/ we best check the GOP for whether they on crack.

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