Cooking Oil Options

As many cooks know, there are several types of cooking oil that they can use for their recipes, but many consumers also know that there are several cooking oils that they must stay away from to protect their health. Knowing just what the differences are in the oils is very important to anyone who is trying to decide what cooking oil to use in their recipes. Here are some of the best oils for those who are looking to steer clear of the vegetable oil that we have all eaten too much of.

Sunflower oil seems to be one of the newest trends in cooking right now. I am hearing many consumers say that it is their favorite to use at the moment. Sunflower oil has a very neutral flavor and is extremely rich in vitamin E. This oil is low in fat, so it is healthy for those who suffer from high cholesterol and is healthy for anyone who suffers with heart problems. This oil is good for grilling as it doesn’t smoke until it gets to between 225 and 450 degrees.

Another hugely popular and healthy oil is Olive Oil. This seems to be a staple in some households these days. This oil contains a unique flavor and is especially good for use with pastas, rice, and for stir fry meals. I use this in most of my Italian dishes or pasta dishes.

Coconut oil is fairly new to my cooking vocabulary, but seems to be a wonderful antioxidant known to promote brain and heart health. This oil is highly rich in polyphenols and will reduce cholesterol and help to manage metabolism in most people. Virgin coconut oil will have a sweeter and buttery taste, while the refined version will be more odorless and flavorless. This oil is great for use on popcorn if you want some thing to replace the butter.

Grape seed oil is extracted from grapes so it is a great antioxidant as well. This oil has a very fruity taste and most of us could tell what this is by the taste of it. This taste will combine well with peppers and fresh herbs. It works well with stir fry dishes as well since the smoking point is about 420 degrees.

An oil that I just recently learned about is hemp oil. I have never used this and do not intend to, but it is supposed to be a balanced blend of omega-3 and omega-6 fats which will benefit your overall health. This oil has a slightly nutty flavor and is great with herbs and salads. It can be made into a dressing by combining with vinegar, lemon zest, and mustard.

For the home chef out there, this can be very helpful information. I have a friend who does a lot of cooking and she has shared these tips with me and given me permission to share this with all of my readers out there. I hope that the small time chefs in the world today will take some advice and get away from the butter, margarine, and oil in the cooking world that can add to our health problems.

Personal knowledge and discussion with a friend

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