Coffee Filters: Many Great Uses Beyond Coffee Making

Recently, lacking the aid of napkins I usually keep on-hand, I have found out that coffee filters are a great tool to have around the house. Coffee filters are designed to absorb, and they don’t fail in many aspects. Learn the many great ways you can use coffee filters far and beyond the use of making coffee.

Since coffee filters are durable, they can be used any way a paper towel could be, only coffee filters can handle heavier messes without breaking. This means, if you spill water on the counter or have a little mess, you can wipe it up easily without spreading the liquid around with a coffee filter versus an expensive paper towel. Coffee filters, by number per packaging, are a minimal cost per piece as opposed to paper towels or even napkins!

I keep a coffee filter in my tub of butter. A coffee filter is perfect for spreading oil or butter on a cooking pan since a coffee filter’s fibers won’t break off in your oils like a napkin would when spreading. I make garlic bread quick and easy, using a coffee filter to spread my butter rather than a butter knife! Same goes for toast! I can butter 4 slices in the amount of time a butter knife would butter just one! Yay!

Forget cotton balls, paper towels, toilet paper, or even napkins when removing fingernail polish. Coffee filters can take the beating of scrubbing off all that fingernail polish, and you don’t waste but one in using a coffee filter, as opposed to many paper towels or cotton balls. I keep a stack of coffee filters in my nail polish bag just for this use.

Too much oil on your face? Blot your face with a coffee filter instead of a piece of toilet paper, and you’ll catch more oil and not have to worry about fibers flaking off into your eyes. I cut a coffee filter into fourths for this reason, and even use coffee filters dipped in witch hazel to remove makeup as well. Works out great!

Greasy hands? Squirt some hand sanitizer into a coffee filter and scrub your hands vigorously with this durable material. Grease, oil, and other stubborn stains remove more easily and keep you from ruining your nice wash cloths.

note: while coffee filters are awesome for daily use, I would not flush them down the toilet or use them as toilet paper. Coffee filters don’t break up like toilet paper does, and would likely just clog the toilet. Plus, they might be rough to use on the private area. Just saying.


personal use of coffee filters

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