Can You Rely on an Online Pregnancy Test?

What’s an online pregnancy test? An online pregnancy test is essentially a quiz that asks you a ton of questions regarding pregnancy symptoms, and can be a great guide to let you know if you may be pregnant. However, is it accurate, or just a waste of your time? In the end, it really depends on how you answer the questions and the type of pregnancy test quiz you choose. There are hundreds of them online you can choose from, and most of them ask the same generic (but helpful) questions.

In general, online pregnancy tests can in no way actually tell you if you are pregnant or not, but they can give you insight as to whether you may need to seek a pregnancy test you can take at home or not. After all, once you keep answering “yes” to sore nipples, nausea, fatigue, constipation, and missed period, it can leave you wondering if you really should rush out to get a home pregnancy test or not. Online pregnancy tests are basically more or less just that little light bulb ah ha moment for a woman to really recognize she may be pregnant, nothing more.

Particularly helpful for first-time pregnancies, online pregnancy tests can be a great tool to guide a woman through her symptoms and give her the peace of mind that she isn’t bonkers for thinking she’s pregnant. But since an online test can’t test your hormone levels in any way, the only ways to know for sure whether you are truly pregnant or not is to take a home pregnancy test or, for 100% accuracy, to see your doctor.

Even I have taken online pregnancy quizzes, out of both sheer curiosity and actual concern. Ironically enough, many birth control symptoms are those of pregnancy, so if you use your symptoms while on birth control in the quiz, the quiz may warn you to go get a home pregnancy test even though you are in no way pregnant. While helpful, there is a ton of room for error, so any online pregnancy quiz should most likely be followed up by a home pregnancy test. Still, they are interesting and often insightful to take, and may give you just the urge you need to actually go out and buy that pregnancy test.


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