Can You Get Your Neighbor to Clean Their Yard?

A very difficult subject to deal with is that of a messy neighbor. Nobody wants a verbal or physical confrontation with their neighbor. However a messy yard next door, lowers property value and is unsafe. So what is a person to do, about dealing with this problem? This article will provide some helpful suggestions. Whatever it takes, the goal is to get results.

Know Your Neighbor
Why is this important? You might have a neighbor that is handicapped. They might work shift work. Maybe, they just do not have the time and like many of us, time gets away. Or, maybe they are too lazy. Whatever the reason, knowing your neighbor can go a long way in solving your problem.

Your Approach
Say something like, “I see your weeds are growing fast.” “Could I help you in getting rid of them?” Use a little humor like, “I see you are starting a wildlife reserve in your front yard.” Be sure to laugh. Sometimes joking around can get them started in cleaning up. The key is to use tact and not anger your neighbor. Always talk to them alone. You don’t want to embarrass anyone in front of others.

Check with your city alderman. Many times they will keep you out of the discussion and seek to get results. You can also talk to a policeman in the area. They should know what ordinances need to be enforced.

Ordinances are set up for safe welfare of others. There are reasons to have a fence around a pool. There is a reason for old car batteries to be removed. There is a reason for trash to be collected weekly. If you have published ordinances for your problem, send one to your neighbor. This is just a reminder that they have a responsibility.

Get Help
If you have a neighbor that is incapacitated, seek out help for them. There are groups that will paint houses, remove tires, and clean yards for those in need. Tell your neighbor that you will assist them in getting help. This is what good neighbors do.

Be proactive. If you have storm damage, help your neighbor clean up. Letting something go can add to future problems. Remember small problems will grow larger, if you let them. Keep your focus on providing safety for all. Your neighbors will respect you for it.

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