Budget Friendly Valentine’s Day Kids Cards

Budget Friendly Valentine’s Day Kids Cards are the focus of this article. Soon it will be Valentine’s Day once more. It has become this an expensive holiday over the past few years but there are still ways you can save on the cards for the kids.

If the elementary class your child is in, exchanges those expensive Valentine’s Day cards there are ways to save cash. You can get creative to save some cash or simply purchase them and stock up.

Idea 1

Go to the Dollar store and purchase some of those heart shaped suckers and construction paper. Show your child how to fold the paper to make hearts. You want the hearts to be two to three times the size of the candy you bought.

On the back of these hearts, your child would write another child’s name and of course his or her name. Glue the sucker to the other side of the heart. Use ribbon or yarn to create a bow on the candy. When it comes time for the kids to open their Valentine’s Day cards, the classmates will be happy they got some candy.

Idea 2

If you have a printer and access to the Internet, you do a search on free holiday images. Print off some cute images that are age appropriate. Have your child glue them on pieces of paper to make the cards. You can either pate them on hearts cut out of construction paper or extra card stock you have in the home.

Idea 3

You can walk into almost any of the Dollar Stores within the United States and pick up some budget friendly Valentine’s Day cards for kids. Head there before the holiday for the best selection. After the holiday walk into your local department stores and pick them up for the next year. As long as they are kept in the box and away from the little ones the cards will be suitable for the following year.

Idea 4

There are quite a few religions in our cultural diverse cities and towns and not everyone follows the same holidays. If you do not feel like participating in the purchase of those little cards, you could simply purchase Hershey’s Miniatures. Add a small nametag, and your child has something he or she can pass out to the classmates in place of the Valentine’s Day cards.

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