Angels with Bedpans

The night is black, you drift away,
IV bag on the rack, pain is at bay.
RATTLE! BANG! Time to take your blood pressure!
The lady sang. Why don ‘t you go to sleep? You’ll wake up fresher.
Angels with bedpans!

Nurse, Nurse, you promised me a pair of booties!
Yes, but first, I must tend to my duties.
See here! You mustn’t pull your IV needle out.
But, my dear, it comes out by itself! No doubt!
Angels with bedpans!

Nurse, nurse, this hospital gown is too short!
Curse it! I feel a draft at starboard port!
Please, patients are resting, so make less sound,
And, until I find you another gown, try not to turn around!
Angels with bedpans!

Second day on IV with no solid food – just that tube!
Little lambs can eat ivy, but the patient can’t even eat an ice cube.
A new IV is hung on the rack. Nurse, could you throw a ham on rye in that brew?
Everything you need is in that sack. No ham on rye for you! My shifts up. Tootle-loo!
Angels with bed pans!

I tease, but I really felt privileged to see our modern day nurses and technical assistants at work. Obviously highly trained, they are fascinating to watch in action. Also, their uniforms are both attractive and practical and they are all different.

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