America Abandoned

The landscape is littered with empty shopping malls and abandoned amusement parks. There are foreclosed homes with nobody fighting for them and ghosted buildings for rent or lease or any damn thing that would bring some money in.

Some have abandoned their dreams, their livelihoods, their manners, their morals and God knows what else. Some are losing their religion, their faith, their ethics, their joie de vivre, their common sense, their houses, their homes.

Politicians on the other hand, especially the progressive politicians who caused all of this by insisting on providing houses to those who could not pay for them, are fat and happy. Liberals, progressive and democrat politicians are all in their element. They love a good recession and they are loath to do anything that would actually end it. They are eager to prove that you should have no other Gods before your government and that government should be your God. Worship Government and be provided for. There is an old apocryphal tale that says that good communist governments do the following: They tell the children to pray to their God for a piece of candy. The children pray and nothing happens. They they tell the children to pray to the government or the beloved Comrade Chairman for sweets. And suddenly the candy appears. You should have no God but government and government should be your one and only God.

And so we are adrift in the Sargasso sea of upside down and under water houses, abandoned by those who could never have paid for them in the first place. And so the democrats have made the American dream of home ownership a nightmare. And when the wall street banker and broker friends of the democrats ruined every economy of the world by selling worthless assets to the gullible, the democrats bailed their thieving friends out with money from the US treasury.

And so we sit in the ruins of an abandoned amusement park. Amused no more. Republicans say it’s time to pay up. We say with what? Obama, and Bernancke and Geithner say: I got you covered. I can print some and borrow the rest. It occurs to some of us that if we get in hock up to our eyeballs, they could take away the abandoned amusement park. Then where would we go? What would we do? Where would we live?



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