A Tale of a Ferocious Cloud (Or Perhaps a Dinosaur)

Clouds are cute. Clouds are innocent, as long as they aren’t storm clouds. Clouds are fluffy and nice.

If this is what the average reader thinks about clouds, then apparently the average reader did not notice a certain fateful cloud on a certain fateful day in July.

Whoever said dinosaurs were extinct must not have noticed this cloud, either.

Let me tell you that I never expected to see what I saw when I walked out my door on that day in July. I did not expect to see a ferocious cloud, with its ravenous jaw and audacious eye, readying itself to attack at any moment. I pitied the birds I saw flying around, completely unaware of what could momentarily befall them.

It was a captivating sight. I could only stand frozen on the edge of the porch (and hurriedly snapped the picture you see here). When you click on the image to get a closer view, do you notice that bird flying nonchalantly in the upper right-hand corner? Only a few moments later it flew a little too close to the cloud’s snarling chops. No more bird. That was the last straw for me. Something had to be done! I could not stand by and watch a cloud act like an angry dragon in a scary movie.

But wait a minute! Something was happening. Something was beginning to change. I saw the sun that had been hidden behind the cloud was starting to appear. It grew brighter and brighter. The dinosaur cloud began to start to become thinner and thinner. Then the cloud did not look like a scary dinosaur at all. It was now merely a sprinkling of a few little clouds. The sun shone brightly.

And the birds, the clouds, the sun, and the sky lived happily ever after (I also felt free to breathe easier).

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