A Guide to Painting the Exterior of Your Home

Painting the exterior of your home is a quick way to improve its appearance and curb appeal. With a little preparation and the right color choices, you can easily emphasize the attractive details, minimize the less appealing features and actually change the entire appearance of your home.

The best results start with the proper preparation. Begin by considering your color and design options. For inspiration, take a tour of your neighborhood, and look at the homes with a similar style to yours. If it helps, take a few photos of your house before you begin.

Be sure to take into consideration the outdoor conditions mother nature can dish out when selecting your type of paint. Look for a good exterior paint that offers long term benefits, such as: withstanding extreme weather conditions and resisting chalking, cracking, and peeling. You may also want to consider texcote rather than paint as it can provide your home with maximum protection against mother nature, as well as freedom from regular maintenance.

Make sure you plan the job on a good weather day, and obtain any necessary outdoor equipment such as ladders and other materials that may be needed. You may also want to inspect the exterior of your home to prevent any later inconveniences and expenses. Start by sanding loose any peeling paint, and repairing any visible holes or cracks in the home’s exterior.

Not only will getting the home prepared save you money, it will also speed up the entire process for your contractor. When time is of the essence, consider having your contractor use a sprayer when painting your home. Brushing and rolling an entire home can take days to even weeks to accomplish, depending on the size of the home. Using a power sprayer also cuts down on the amount of painters you need to hire. All that means more savings for you, the homeowner, when it comes down to the final bill.

Painting is one of the most commonly done home renovations. It can give an entire new look to your home’s exterior without making any changes to its structure. Though many people like to paint their house on their own, it is advisable to hire a painting contractor for the task. A painting contractor will not only give your house the perfect finish, but also provide you with the best of professional services, thus giving better results than any do-it-yourself work.

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