6 Ways that Getting Fit is Child’s Play

Remember when you were a kid and exercise was actually enjoyable? Well it could be again with a few blasts from the past. Now whether you plan to work out alone or with some friends, here are some ideas.

Get a little stretch with head, shoulders, knees and toes; you can skip the eyes and ears etc. Start hula hooping either in front of the television or to your favorite play list. This form of exercise is great because it is low impact although it burns a fair amount of calories, is fun and tones the thighs. You can get faster results if you bend your knees and widen your stance.

Now that you’re all warmed up, do some skipping it’s fantastic for toning the calves. If you haven’t picked up a rope in a while start off with 100 and keep a notebook handy to keep an accurate count. Start by skipping forward slowly and then try backwards for variety. Increase your speed if you like but bear in mind that you don’t have to maintain it. (Not suitable if you have bad joints) Consult your doctor if you’re not sure.

Try juggling while marching on the spot and holding your abs in tight, even if you just end up playing solo catch, you’re burning calories and strengthening your core.

Keep a ball in the air using your hands, feet, head and shoulders in fact anything you can. It’s quite a skill and a challenge that will engage you mentally and physically.

If you have friends round you can play piggy in the middle while holding your abs in tight, bending your knees when you catch the ball and then standing up straight when you throw it to add resistance.

Staying in shape can be entertaining and if you’re having a good time you will be more likely to stick with it.

Martina McCullough

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