5 Qualities of a Good Neighbor

Some neighbors are great to live next door to while others are less than savory. Following these suggestions will help to improve any neighborhood whether you agree with your neighbors lifestyle or not.


If you see your neighbor outside it seems polite to smile and wave. While some may consider this too outgoing if you’re living in the same neighborhood it’s nice to know that there are people out there. We once had a neighbor that would stick her nose up in the air if anyone dared to wave at her. I’m stubborn and I continued to wave at her. Though she was rude and I felt bad I daily waved whenever she drove by. Finally, after a few months of this I was outside and she walked up to me and asked my why on earth I would wave at her. I smiled and said, “because, that’s the kind of person I am and that’s the kind of neighborhood this is”. She waved after that. Every time she saw me.


It’s important to respect one another as neighbors. If you’re going to have a party either invite the neighbors or keep it down. Provide neighbors with your phone number so that if the party does get too loud they can call you first before they complain to the local police department.

Respect their property as well. If you’re throwing a party ask people not to park in front of the neighbors house unless the neighbor has already agreed to it. Tell outdoor guests to stay in your yard as well. Don’t throw trash or cigarette butts in the neighbors yard. Be considerate and your neighbors will love you for it and give you the same in return.

Respect your neighbors privacy. Not everyone wants to talk about what they do for a living or how a sick family member is doing. Keep things light and as your neighbor gets to know you chances are they will freely share such information.


Many neighborhoods set up a security system. If a neighbor is going to be out of town another neighbor might watch their pets, water their plants and pick up their mail. In addition if the neighbor sees anything suspicious they can report it to the local authorities.


Stay in communication with your neighbors. You may not agree with their lifestyle or religious beliefs but remember that if you’re not home and something happens to your house that your neighbor is the most likely person to be first on the scene. You can communicate with them and respect their differences without making it a huge deal if you set your mind to it.

Share Resources

Many well established neighborhoods have shared resources. If neighbors have known each other for a long period of time they will often share gardening tools, lawn mowers, snow blowers and other items that make for light work. Help with the upkeep of your neighbors items and expect the same in return and you’ll have a great friendship. Go the extra mile and refill the gas tank of your neighbors lawn mower or snow blower.

If you don’t want to lend out your mower or snow blower consider mowing the area closest to your home or snow blowing their driveway once in a while just to be nice. Shared resources don’t mean you have to leave your personal items with them, just that you share.

Learning to be a good neighbor is important. Respect city noise ordinances, respect yourself, respect your neighbor and chances are that you’ll have a good relationship with your neighbor.

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