2012 – the End of the World?

Before Columbus “discovered” America there were two grand civilizations living there, and each predicted the end of the world to occur at two different times. The Aztecs were a people who occupied North and Central America – where Mexico is today, and the Mayans who lived south of them. The Aztec produced the Aztec calendar ending August 18th 1987. Replicas of the Aztec calendar made of gold or silver can still be bought in Mexico today. These replicas are also on pottery and other works of art tourist can buy. The Mayan calendar ends December 21st, 2012. The common thread coming from these two great cultures is the world will end.

August 17th and 18th of 1987 had a distinctive astrological formation with the Sun, Moon and six out of eight planets being aligned in a straight line. It is said that the Aztec calendar did not go past that date as they thought the world would end on that date. But the world did not end. Instead, what happened in the world following the Harmonic Convergence was an explosion in communication and travel; societies that languished in poverty for centuries began to see prosperity; and a revolution in technology which has altered the lives of everyone on the planet today. Back then, the internet was in its early stages; and only a few gifted computer experts were aware of it. The human genome was not yet decoded; and all of us believed that tweets were sounds made by birds.

Only good came to the world after it was supposed to end as per the Aztec calendar. Now the forecast from the Mayan calendar is that the world will again end December 21st 2012. We can learn that one culture’s ending is another culture’s blossoming. It is a common vision that gloom and doom will befall us after the fateful day in 2012. That is necessarily true. The lesson from the previously predicted demise, of the world and all the other doomsday prophecies of our past, tells us that there can only be a brighter day. Personally, I am looking to the changes this latest end of the world will bring to the planet and her peoples.

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