Why Great Content is the Best Search Engine Optimization Technique

If you spend time reading SEO forums or blogs, you might notice a frequently asked question:

“What’s the best way to get my website at the top of the search results for my keywords?”

Anyone who has tried to achieve that goal knows their website must be “Search Engine Optimized,” but that’s easier said than done. Search engines use complicated algorithms to decide which websites to list first in search results. Each SE uses a different algorithm, but they all have one thing in common…

They all want to provide their users with the most relevant results possible.

To achieve this honorable purpose, the software engineers at each of the major search engines have dedicated themselves to keeping spammy, plagiarism-ridden websites and blogs from appearing at the top of search results whenever possible. This spells bad news for the few Internet marketers who use dirty tactics in order to boost their search rankings. The tricks that used to keep these shoddy sites at the top of search results are now spelling their doom, as new algorithms cause their rankings to plummet.

Is this also bad news for honest Internet marketers and bloggers? No…Not if they write interesting, original content.

There’s a saying among SEO experts: “Content is King.” With the advent of new search engine algorithms, that saying is truer now than it ever was. Why? The main tool a search engine uses in order to determine a website’s relevance is its content – the words on the page. If the words on your webpage or in your blog post match up with the words in a user’s search engine query, your site has a much higher chance of showing up at the top of the results for that search.

There are ways to improve your chances even further, but the most important thing is to add tons of fresh, unique content to your site or blog as often as possible. The more words you write, the more chances you have of matching up with a user’s search engine query. As more people read your pages, the search engines start to view your site as a more relevant choice for that user’s query. Over time, your search rankings may improve even more. From there, the process feeds itself and you can end up with a very large following.

This is a simplified explanation of how SEO works, but this is the starting point and foundation. Your site or blog’s content is the heart of your online business, and that’s why providing great content is the best search engine optimization technique.

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